Pumpkin Pudding

This recipe came from the “Authentic Thanksgiving Menu” Section of the Enjoy Massachusetts website. According to them both the English and the Native Americans enjoyed puddings. Pumpkin pie as we know it would not have been available at this time, but pumpkin was definitely a food they would have enjoyed at the feast.

**In a 1672 recipe for Stewed Pumpkin from John Josselyn’s New-Englands Rarities Discovered, pumpkin is recommended because “It provokes Urin extreamly and is very windy”. This dish is not exactly the same, but these warnings may still apply.

1 cup pumpkin
1/2 cup sugar (Sugar was in short supply)
2 Tablespoons molasses
2 eggs
2 cups bread or cake crumbs (This would probably have been cornbread crumbs)
1/2 cup milk (Possibly they had a few goats, but dairy was in short supply if available at all)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 cup raisins

Mix ingredients together. Divide among 4 greased custard cups. (or one large, glass casserole dish) Place in pan of boiling water, to the middle of the custard cups. Cover with foil. Bake at 375 degrees for 1-1/2 hours. Cool and remove from dishes. Reheat and serve.

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